目前分類:2005-2008 (80)

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  • Jul 12 Thu 2007 17:01
  • WHY


新(心)窩 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

夜深了 明知道明天又要帶著看似病重的雙眼進公司  明知道明天又有從九點算到六點的進度壓力 還是想來抒發一下

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  • Nov 27 Mon 2006 02:18
  • YoU

    You Deserve a good girl my dear friend

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昨ㄦ到龍山寺誠心的求了一支籤   完美的一百號   是聖意指示諸事不利的滿籤

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  • Apr 04 Tue 2006 14:03

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7/24 跑去考 Toeic,雖然不知道考來做什麼,還是去了...

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The Lyrics of "The Phantom Of The Opera"

Think of Me

新(心)窩 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

An ideal book for people who always choose to "give" rather than "take"

Title: Things Will Get As Good As you Can Stand. (讓妳過好日子的 5 種生活態度)

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I found some profound sentences in this novel, which could be extended to so many aspects in life, esp when you're as sensitive as I am. :)

The following are two sentences that impressed me the most. After meeting the second person, then the third... guess I could offer more.

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For overriding the words always showed on my card, so you see this. ^^"

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快樂時很快樂, 悲傷時很悲傷.

Is this what love is about?

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  • Apr 18 Mon 2005 15:47



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Another Day

Lie to me, say that you need me

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Tonight, at this moment, I browse to the photo album saved in my computer, memories keep on flooding in...

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